Why do you do what you do?

Why do you do what you do? Growing up is something else! You notice how time passes by so quickly and wonder if you and your peers have the same 24 hours because for some odd reason, they seem to be moving on with life. You realise you have yourself to blame if your...

2016, What a year it has been!

2016, What a year it has been! December is a month where I pause and reflect on the year. Take stock of what I did and didn’t do. I had planned to share my post about “Why do you do what you do”, until I came across this great idea from blogger...

Now that he’s gone, I missed him

Now that he’s gone, I missed him It was 23h45 when we received a call that my father had passed on. B asked how am I, I said I am okay, turned around and went back to sleep. But I couldn’t sleep after hearing that my father is no more. I was confused. I thought...

Will be back soon

Will be back soon Hi Friends, I am on a three month( July; August and September) break. “This is our goal as writers, I think; to help others have this sense of–please forgive me–wonder, of seeing things anew, things that can catch us off guard, that break in on our...

Where the birthing of the union is sustained

Where the birthing of the union is sustained As I was prepping for my new post for the month, I came across my prayer list Bongani and i had drafted whilst we were still courting We drafted this a month after we met and it continued to grow. Going through it made me...

The girl with a stained past part 1

The girl with a stained past part 1 I grew up in a Christian home. We never practiced cultural things or cultural rituals. It was a traditional Christian home where we went to church and prayed and, I enjoyed church. I had a few crushes here and there and never...
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